What is Car Donations?
Car donations are new craze in town. ever wondered how you neighbour is saving thousands off taxes where you arent, now you will know too. Car donations are basically hitting two birds with one stone, that is you get to do a very virtous deed while on the other hand, get to save thousands off your taxes.

The system of tax returns is by the IRS. Basically the value of the car donated to charitable organization registered with the government is tax deducted. There are several teirs under which these donations and tax deductions are arranged. Several charities also offer various fascilities upon car donation.

It is not only cars, almost any sort of vehicle from boats to tow-trucks are accepted as donations. So why wait, donate your car, boat, whatever vehicle right now.
Is It Really Worth It?
Of course it is. The US government gives off about 5 billion dollars in tax deductations each year. So if you are hot on taxes, the best way to blow off steam is by donating cars.

For example, if you are making a lot of money doing business or whatever, than obviously you are paying a lot of taxes. In these situations, by donating used cars predominately, you actually get ot save more on the tax pays.

Besides, think of all the peoplethat will be helped by you car donations!! Donating to a charity that works for the disabled children, or for thoes with cancer from any spiritial point of view is extreamlly virtuous. So the verdict is clear, you need to doante your cars for your own good, even if you are not seriously patriotic, atleast everyone understands their own cause.
How Much Will I Save?
Depends actually on the type of vehicle, the vehicle price and even the state in which you live in the USA.

A simple calculation is given below:
  • if your car is under the value of $500, whether it is running or not, you will get a tax deduction of $500 via a no-paperwork receipt from the IRS.
  • if your car value is above the $500 threshold, the the amount of tax deducatble is the price of the car obtained in auction by the charity. The tax deduction is received usually within 30 days.
  • for cars valuing more than the average, different institutional means apply to the tax deduction process
What Are The Problems?
Some problems are evident in this service, these are:

  • The trust-worthyness of the charity, fraud charities often provide free car pickups, but they dont operate for long. After several donations, they simply shutdown and there is no records for you to protest against.
  • Receiving the justified value for your donations, is perhaps the simplest trickery by the so-called charities. Cars are often auctioned as mass auctions, or whole sale auctions, proving the donor with a lot less value
  • Receiving the tax deduction, is sometimes tricky. Some charities having a difficult TOS, and makes receiving tax deductions very difficult. Always fill up the IRS form (IRS form 8283) yourself
9/4/2012 11:45:29 pm

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12/9/2013 01:54:41 pm

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